Brian Velazquez 5/19/17
In this project it was a group effort, the group I was in consists of Nathan V, MD B, Kevin M, and me. The roles given to us in the group was Nathan was the chief editor, MD was the reporter, Kevin was the Photographer, and I was the manager of the group. The first thing we did was give each other the sections we need to do. The section I needed to do was the coupon section and entertainment section. The games I made for the entertainment section was " Guess the President" and a game of Sudoku. For the coupons I created it myself from scratch using things I owned.
The software I used to complete the project was Photoshop, and Indesign. This is relevant to Web design because in the future we may need to design something similar to the Newspaper we did. I see myself using these skills in the future on next year labs and projects.
Wednesday, June 7, 2017
Lab #12 Reflection Journal
Brian Velazquez 5/30/17
In today's lab what we needed to do was create a diagram to display how we will organize our final portfolio's. What we need to put in our portfolio's are all of our labs and projects we have done in the past. And how we organize all them into an online portfolio which we must create.
I did this lab by using the software Microsoft Word and using smart arts there to draw my diagram. Then I put everything that I would place inside my portfolio. This is relevant to web design because we may use this in the future to plan our ideas and all of our files.
In today's lab what we needed to do was create a diagram to display how we will organize our final portfolio's. What we need to put in our portfolio's are all of our labs and projects we have done in the past. And how we organize all them into an online portfolio which we must create.
I did this lab by using the software Microsoft Word and using smart arts there to draw my diagram. Then I put everything that I would place inside my portfolio. This is relevant to web design because we may use this in the future to plan our ideas and all of our files.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
WBL Workshop
Brian Velazquez 5/4/17
In today's workshop I learned how to become a MILLIONAIRE!!! by learning how to spend my money, save it and invest it too. The first thing we talked about is what financial literacy is, financial literacy is the ability to understand how money works, how to manage it, how to earn it, and how to invest it (to put your money to work for you). The first thing to do is to budget your time such as opening yourself up to learning opportunities even if they aren't fun. Because the more opportunities you expose yourself to the greater your chances of success. After talking about budgeting your time and investing money we then moved on to talk about assets and liabilities.
Assets are things that appreciate in value over time. Liabilities are thing that depreciate (become worthless) over time. Some examples of Assets can be Your Mind, Your Reputation, Your Physical and Mental Skills, and Your Ability to Adapt to Change. Examples of Liabilities can be Lack of Time Management, Your Friends, Lack of Education, Lack of Interest in Personal Growth, and finally DEBT! These are most of the topics we went over in the WBL workshop with the time we had. And this is what I learned from it so it can help me in the future when I am all grown up but it's not too early to start now at this age.
In today's workshop I learned how to become a MILLIONAIRE!!! by learning how to spend my money, save it and invest it too. The first thing we talked about is what financial literacy is, financial literacy is the ability to understand how money works, how to manage it, how to earn it, and how to invest it (to put your money to work for you). The first thing to do is to budget your time such as opening yourself up to learning opportunities even if they aren't fun. Because the more opportunities you expose yourself to the greater your chances of success. After talking about budgeting your time and investing money we then moved on to talk about assets and liabilities.
Assets are things that appreciate in value over time. Liabilities are thing that depreciate (become worthless) over time. Some examples of Assets can be Your Mind, Your Reputation, Your Physical and Mental Skills, and Your Ability to Adapt to Change. Examples of Liabilities can be Lack of Time Management, Your Friends, Lack of Education, Lack of Interest in Personal Growth, and finally DEBT! These are most of the topics we went over in the WBL workshop with the time we had. And this is what I learned from it so it can help me in the future when I am all grown up but it's not too early to start now at this age.
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Identity Poster Reflection Journal
Brian Velazquez 4/21/17
In this project we were told to create a poster about the word identity and what it means. The objective of this project was to teach us how to create a poster based on one word and what does it mean to you and everyone. I completed this project by first thinking of an idea on what identity is. Identity is what defines it's what makes you, you and what you like to do and things you like. So when creating my poster I started thinking about how many people are different from each other so I defined their differences using colors red and blue and for one of the people I used purple.
The reason I used purple was because that's what red and blue make when they are mixed together.So the purple filled person wouldn't know who he was because he was neither red or blue he was something new. Photoshop made it possible to complete my identity poster. This is relevant to web design because I may design poster in the future and I may need to find the meaning of something wile doing it. I see myself using these skills in the future in my labs and projects that are coming up.
In this project we were told to create a poster about the word identity and what it means. The objective of this project was to teach us how to create a poster based on one word and what does it mean to you and everyone. I completed this project by first thinking of an idea on what identity is. Identity is what defines it's what makes you, you and what you like to do and things you like. So when creating my poster I started thinking about how many people are different from each other so I defined their differences using colors red and blue and for one of the people I used purple.
The reason I used purple was because that's what red and blue make when they are mixed together.So the purple filled person wouldn't know who he was because he was neither red or blue he was something new. Photoshop made it possible to complete my identity poster. This is relevant to web design because I may design poster in the future and I may need to find the meaning of something wile doing it. I see myself using these skills in the future in my labs and projects that are coming up.
Project #6 Yearbook Reflection
Brian Velazquez Yearbook Project 4/27/17
Project #6 was the yearbook project in which we created our own yearbooks. The objective of the lab was to teach us how to create our own yearbook. In this project it was different then the others we've done before. First of all this project required group work and not individual work, so the first thing we did was get into our groups of four. My group of four was made up of Andy .J. , Job .N. , Tenzin .C. , and finally me. After getting into our groups we all decided what our roles would be the role I was given was the role of Chief Editor I had to make sure that the yearbook was in good conditions and that their were no mistakes being made in the Yearbook. Then we needed to create a draft on were everything would go in the yearbook, we created the draft in InDesign creating 12 spreads for a total of 24 pages. After creating the draft we each took 3 spreads to complete I took the Trips Page the Cte Expo page, and the collage page. Then we got to work on each of our spreads.
After a couple weeks of working on our yearbooks, we all finally finished all of our spreads.So the only thing left to be done was to combine all of our spreads to make the yearbook. So after sending each other the spreads we have done we finished making the yearbook and the only thing that needed to be done was to print and submit the file. When we tried to print the yearbook we ran in too some trouble it may have been because we didnt put the right settings or that the file was too big, but after a couple of minutes my group handed in the printed yearbook and submitted our files. That is how we finished our yearbooks, using InDesign.
After a couple weeks of working on our yearbooks, we all finally finished all of our spreads.So the only thing left to be done was to combine all of our spreads to make the yearbook. So after sending each other the spreads we have done we finished making the yearbook and the only thing that needed to be done was to print and submit the file. When we tried to print the yearbook we ran in too some trouble it may have been because we didnt put the right settings or that the file was too big, but after a couple of minutes my group handed in the printed yearbook and submitted our files. That is how we finished our yearbooks, using InDesign.
Friday, April 28, 2017
Lab 11 Reflection Journal
Brian Velazquez 3/30/17
In today's lab we had a guest teacher teaching us because she was being evaluated to become a teacher at my school or not. But she taught a new technique called the text filled image technique. This technique is a shown to the left it is a text with an image inside of it the technique allows texts to stands more out and look more colorful. After teaching us this new technique we had to do it ourselves the the word sports. The image was provided but we had to pick the font and the text size.
The objective of the lab was to teach is this brand new technique so we can use for ourselves in future labs and projects including the yearbook project we are currently working on, to make our texts stand out even more than before. We did the lab by going to InDesign and first writing the word sports in a large font and size using the text type tool. After writing the word we then went to our top menu bar and click on type after clicking on type we clicked create an outline. Finally after creating the outline all we had to do was place the image and fix it so it wills the entire word. The software we used was adobe InDesign CC. This lab is relevant to web design because it allows us to create more popping cover that will attract people. I see myself using these skills in the future when creating websites I can make them pop out even more I can also use these skills in future labs and projects to improve them.
In today's lab we had a guest teacher teaching us because she was being evaluated to become a teacher at my school or not. But she taught a new technique called the text filled image technique. This technique is a shown to the left it is a text with an image inside of it the technique allows texts to stands more out and look more colorful. After teaching us this new technique we had to do it ourselves the the word sports. The image was provided but we had to pick the font and the text size.
The objective of the lab was to teach is this brand new technique so we can use for ourselves in future labs and projects including the yearbook project we are currently working on, to make our texts stand out even more than before. We did the lab by going to InDesign and first writing the word sports in a large font and size using the text type tool. After writing the word we then went to our top menu bar and click on type after clicking on type we clicked create an outline. Finally after creating the outline all we had to do was place the image and fix it so it wills the entire word. The software we used was adobe InDesign CC. This lab is relevant to web design because it allows us to create more popping cover that will attract people. I see myself using these skills in the future when creating websites I can make them pop out even more I can also use these skills in future labs and projects to improve them.
Worked Base Learning Reflection Journal
Brian Velazquez 3/20/17
In today's WBL workshop we learned about the interviewing part of getting a job and about our resume. We talked about this topic in case if we wanted to try to get a job and or try to apply for internships in the summer or in the future. The first thing we talked about was how to be more presentable and to look the interviewer in eyes when talking to them and to have a firm handshake to show confidence and to always be honest and never tell a lie to the interviewer because in the future he might ask you to live up to what you told him/her and that might cost you your job. After talking about this we moved on to talk about our resume and what should be placed in it.
When creating a resume you must place important information such as Name, Email, Phone #, and address. The email that is used in your resume must be professional and it cannot have a silly name. You should also place your skills in to your resume such as I would place Photoshop and InDesign in mine since I have skill in both since I have been using them in Visual Design for a couple of months. Only put skills that are relevant to the job itself because if you don't the things you put are basically useless.Also you should put if you work well better with teams or alone or can be trusted and if you are honest, placing these on your resume can let the interviewer learn a bit more about you. Placing your contacts can show the interviewer that you know a lot of people this can sometimes help you. Also putting any community service can help show how well you work and what you have done for the community. Finally after finishing all of this go back to check your resume for any errors in spelling so there can be little mistake. This is what we talked about in the WBL workshop and what I learned from it.
In today's WBL workshop we learned about the interviewing part of getting a job and about our resume. We talked about this topic in case if we wanted to try to get a job and or try to apply for internships in the summer or in the future. The first thing we talked about was how to be more presentable and to look the interviewer in eyes when talking to them and to have a firm handshake to show confidence and to always be honest and never tell a lie to the interviewer because in the future he might ask you to live up to what you told him/her and that might cost you your job. After talking about this we moved on to talk about our resume and what should be placed in it.
When creating a resume you must place important information such as Name, Email, Phone #, and address. The email that is used in your resume must be professional and it cannot have a silly name. You should also place your skills in to your resume such as I would place Photoshop and InDesign in mine since I have skill in both since I have been using them in Visual Design for a couple of months. Only put skills that are relevant to the job itself because if you don't the things you put are basically useless.Also you should put if you work well better with teams or alone or can be trusted and if you are honest, placing these on your resume can let the interviewer learn a bit more about you. Placing your contacts can show the interviewer that you know a lot of people this can sometimes help you. Also putting any community service can help show how well you work and what you have done for the community. Finally after finishing all of this go back to check your resume for any errors in spelling so there can be little mistake. This is what we talked about in the WBL workshop and what I learned from it.
HW Blending Images
Brian Velazquez 3/31/17
In this design to the left you can see that the text filled image technique was used to place a picture inside the text. This technique enhanced the overall design of the text very well. It allowed the text to stand out more than average text. And the colors make it really beautiful to look at. I think the colors we re chosen because the word "BOOYAH" is usually used when someone is happy and those colors are very bright adding to the theme of happiness. This is how the technique enhanced the overall design of the medium.
In the design to the right the word that the text filled image technique was used on was "Urban Design". The technique does overall improve the design of the text. The texts does stand out more clearly than others, the image that was used was a picture of urban cities. I think the image is suppose to show what the text means as urban. But overall the design showed much improvement with the use of the technique.
In this design to the left you can see that the text filled image technique was used to place a picture inside the text. This technique enhanced the overall design of the text very well. It allowed the text to stand out more than average text. And the colors make it really beautiful to look at. I think the colors we re chosen because the word "BOOYAH" is usually used when someone is happy and those colors are very bright adding to the theme of happiness. This is how the technique enhanced the overall design of the medium.
In the design to the right the word that the text filled image technique was used on was "Urban Design". The technique does overall improve the design of the text. The texts does stand out more clearly than others, the image that was used was a picture of urban cities. I think the image is suppose to show what the text means as urban. But overall the design showed much improvement with the use of the technique.
Monday, April 24, 2017
Different Parts Of A Newspaper
Brian Velazquez 4/24/17
General News Section: This section contains the most important news both here and abroad and is usually located on the first page. The most important news usually contains a title in big bold letters called a banner headline.
Local and Foreign News: One part of this section contains news from cities and towns of the nation. The other section contains news from abroad.
Editorial Page: This section contains, editorials are views and opinions of the publisher or editor on certain events or issues.
Sports Section: This section is all about sports it talks about sports events in and out of the country. And contains people that are well known in sports.
Classified Ads Section: This sections contains advertisement, such as Help Wanted, For Lease or Sale, Wanted to Buy. Personal and legal notices can also be found in this section.
Business and Finance Section: This section are for people who have interest in business in banking, foreign exchange rates, imports and exports, and prices of prime commodities.
Entertainment Section: This section contains information popular culture such as music. movies and more also contains games and puzzles, comic strips cartoons and the daily horoscope.
Home and Culture Section: Contains ideas of budgeting, house improvements and also food preparation basically ideas for your house needs.
Society Section: Contains information about important or well known people who are celebrating in particular places.
Travel and Tourism Section: This section is for tourist so they can see beautiful places to visit and stay at the city they are in. Also contains arrival and departure times of ships and planes internationally and domestically.
Announcement and Obituary Page: Contains news on activities of different religious sects such as bible studies and prayer meetings. The other part contains a list of people who have died time and place of their burial.
General News Section: This section contains the most important news both here and abroad and is usually located on the first page. The most important news usually contains a title in big bold letters called a banner headline.
Classified Ads Section: This sections contains advertisement, such as Help Wanted, For Lease or Sale, Wanted to Buy. Personal and legal notices can also be found in this section.
Business and Finance Section: This section are for people who have interest in business in banking, foreign exchange rates, imports and exports, and prices of prime commodities.
Entertainment Section: This section contains information popular culture such as music. movies and more also contains games and puzzles, comic strips cartoons and the daily horoscope.
Home and Culture Section: Contains ideas of budgeting, house improvements and also food preparation basically ideas for your house needs.
Society Section: Contains information about important or well known people who are celebrating in particular places.
Travel and Tourism Section: This section is for tourist so they can see beautiful places to visit and stay at the city they are in. Also contains arrival and departure times of ships and planes internationally and domestically.
Thursday, March 16, 2017
Lab #10 Yearbook Booklet Reflection Journal
Brian Velazquez Yearbook Booklet 3/16/17
In this lab what we completed was making a draft booklet for practice to help us with the yearbook project we are doing in school right now. The objective of the lab was to show us how to number our pages on the year and how our booklets will look like so we know we did it right. I completed this lab by using InDesign and making 4 spreads which is equal to 8 pages. After making the pages I numbered them by going to type then markers and by using the text type tool I labeled all my pages 1-8. After numbering I then wrote something down on each page as the teacher told me to do like putting a shape and my name on most pages. Lastly I was finished so I printed it.
The software I used was the InDesign software it helped me finish my lab. This is relevant to web design because in the future I may need to create more booklets with numbering with these skills I now know how. I see myself using these skills in the future for any future businesses I may be in or my own business I can use these skills to help me. To the side you can see how one of the booklet pages look like.
In this lab what we completed was making a draft booklet for practice to help us with the yearbook project we are doing in school right now. The objective of the lab was to show us how to number our pages on the year and how our booklets will look like so we know we did it right. I completed this lab by using InDesign and making 4 spreads which is equal to 8 pages. After making the pages I numbered them by going to type then markers and by using the text type tool I labeled all my pages 1-8. After numbering I then wrote something down on each page as the teacher told me to do like putting a shape and my name on most pages. Lastly I was finished so I printed it.
The software I used was the InDesign software it helped me finish my lab. This is relevant to web design because in the future I may need to create more booklets with numbering with these skills I now know how. I see myself using these skills in the future for any future businesses I may be in or my own business I can use these skills to help me. To the side you can see how one of the booklet pages look like.
Lab #9 Reflection Journal
The software I used for this lab was InDesign it enabled me to animate my brochure itself. This lab is relevant to Web Design because when I make my own website I can make it look better and more unique rather then just have it being plain and do nothing. I see myself using these skills in the future when I making things for companies I work for or just for myself this is how I see myself using these skills in the future.Since in this lab I used my brochure I used the same photos although the animations cannot be shown.
Project #5 Brochure Reflection Journal
Brian Velazquez Brochure Reflection Journal 3/1/17
Visual Design
In this project what we did was create our own brochures about Respect for all week topics. Some of these topics were. Woman's Rights, Animal Abuse, LGBTS Rights and others. The topic I chose to base my brochure on was animal abuse. I chose this topic because I find it rather serious that pets are being abused from the owners they have, pets should only be treated with love and respect rather than hate and anger. The objective of this lab was to teach how to make our first brochure's so we can use the things we learned from the lab for the future. I completed this project by first making a draft to use as a template for the final copy. After creating the draft I then went to the internet to search for pictures that relate to animal abuse I also looked for research for animal abuse to use in my brochure. After this in InDesign I completed my layout added my pictures and wrote my text and feelings toward animal abuse.
The software I used to complete this lab was InDesign it allowed me to make my booklet with all the necessary things it needs. This is relevant to web design because it helps me improve my skills as a web designer. I can use the skills from the project to help promote a company I work for or even my own company. Below is a picture of the finished brochure
Visual Design
In this project what we did was create our own brochures about Respect for all week topics. Some of these topics were. Woman's Rights, Animal Abuse, LGBTS Rights and others. The topic I chose to base my brochure on was animal abuse. I chose this topic because I find it rather serious that pets are being abused from the owners they have, pets should only be treated with love and respect rather than hate and anger. The objective of this lab was to teach how to make our first brochure's so we can use the things we learned from the lab for the future. I completed this project by first making a draft to use as a template for the final copy. After creating the draft I then went to the internet to search for pictures that relate to animal abuse I also looked for research for animal abuse to use in my brochure. After this in InDesign I completed my layout added my pictures and wrote my text and feelings toward animal abuse.
The software I used to complete this lab was InDesign it allowed me to make my booklet with all the necessary things it needs. This is relevant to web design because it helps me improve my skills as a web designer. I can use the skills from the project to help promote a company I work for or even my own company. Below is a picture of the finished brochure
Sunday, February 26, 2017
THE MET Reflection Journal
Brian Velazquez 2/17/17
On February, 17 instead of staying in school and doing regular school work we went on a field trip that day to a museum The MET. During our visit to The Met we all saw many different works of art from a variety of artists, we also saw many different sculptures from the Greeks and even some from Africa. Overall we saw many unique things from around the world that were very interesting and looked very amazing. What I learned from my visit to the Met was there can be hidden messages from the art we saw the art can also represent the feelings of Ithe artist on a certain subject. Like on one of the paintings the artist painted his girlfriend and used certain colors and details to show her beauty and how gentle she was. I can use these things I learned in some of my labs and projects it can help create more meaning for my work.
Yes I did enjoy my experience in the museum it gave me the opportunity to see things I've never seen before it also gave me new ideas for my work on labs and projects in the future. My favorite part was seeing the bubble dear it look really amazing and it definitely caught my eye more than the rest of the other works. I really don't have a least favorite part to the trip to The MET. I would go to the museum again but I would invite my family to join me and experience the different works of art that the MET has to offer. The map that was provided to us and the digital map on the website are also very different since the digital map you can see more detail you can also see that the digital map shows the fourth and the fifth floor. While the paper map there is less detail in their because everything will not be able to fit on the paper such as it only shows the first through third floor these are some differences between the two maps. These are my thoughts on the field trip to the MET.
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
CTE EXPO Reflection Journal
Brian Velazquez 2/14/17
The CTE Expo was an event for the CTE academy's including Web Design, and Video to show the new freshman in the school all about the academy's and what the students will do in the academy if they choose to join it. It is important because it will help the freshman to view new classes they might be intrigued in and they can also learn skills they will acquire if they join the academy they chose. What happened during the CTE Expo of 2017 was each period a freshman class will come and visit the CTE class so they can learn about it, students in the CTE class participated in the event by talking to the freshman and sharing their own experiences in the class to them.
One thing that went wrong in the CTE Expo was that some of the students in the academy were not engaging to talk to more of the freshman. This probably happened because some of the freshman were not interested in the academy and ignored the students who were trying to tell them about the academy. What went right during the Expo was that we were prepared we had all of are work out including the boards we made and even the seniors and juniors showed their work in the computers. We were also all well dressed for the expo to show we are professional. The CTE Expo helps me personally because it gives more confidence to try things that make me feel uncomfortable, it also helps me apart of the web design team because it shows I need to try new things.
The CTE Expo was an event for the CTE academy's including Web Design, and Video to show the new freshman in the school all about the academy's and what the students will do in the academy if they choose to join it. It is important because it will help the freshman to view new classes they might be intrigued in and they can also learn skills they will acquire if they join the academy they chose. What happened during the CTE Expo of 2017 was each period a freshman class will come and visit the CTE class so they can learn about it, students in the CTE class participated in the event by talking to the freshman and sharing their own experiences in the class to them.
One thing that went wrong in the CTE Expo was that some of the students in the academy were not engaging to talk to more of the freshman. This probably happened because some of the freshman were not interested in the academy and ignored the students who were trying to tell them about the academy. What went right during the Expo was that we were prepared we had all of are work out including the boards we made and even the seniors and juniors showed their work in the computers. We were also all well dressed for the expo to show we are professional. The CTE Expo helps me personally because it gives more confidence to try things that make me feel uncomfortable, it also helps me apart of the web design team because it shows I need to try new things.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Project 4 Reflection Journal
Brian Velazquez Project # 4 1/20/17
In this project what we had to do was create are own business card by using our own logos and are own information. The objective of the project was to teach use how to create are own business so we can use it in the future in jobs we may have. I completed this project by using two different software's
including Photoshop, and InDesign and my own logo which I drew. After I drew my logo I made it digital to improve on the logo on Photoshop after improving my logo a I went to InDesign to make a format for my business card after creating the format I added my logo and information to it and printed it and completed my project.
The software's we used was Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Adobe InDesign CC. This is relevant to web design because in the future we will use this cards to spread are businesses and give us more job opportunity's. I see myself using this in the future to spread my own business and to help me and my job to spread.
In this project what we had to do was create are own business card by using our own logos and are own information. The objective of the project was to teach use how to create are own business so we can use it in the future in jobs we may have. I completed this project by using two different software's
including Photoshop, and InDesign and my own logo which I drew. After I drew my logo I made it digital to improve on the logo on Photoshop after improving my logo a I went to InDesign to make a format for my business card after creating the format I added my logo and information to it and printed it and completed my project.
The software's we used was Adobe Photoshop CS6 and Adobe InDesign CC. This is relevant to web design because in the future we will use this cards to spread are businesses and give us more job opportunity's. I see myself using this in the future to spread my own business and to help me and my job to spread.
Project 3 Reflection Journal
Brian Velazquez Project # 3 12/21/16
In this project what we did was we were given a photograph of two twin girls that was horribly water damaged what we had to do was fix this photo to try to make it seem as if it never had water damage before. The objective of the lab was to improve our skills in fixing and renewing photographs that have received damage. I completed this lab by using certain tools to remove the water damage we used tools such as the patch tool, clone stamp tool, and other tool we used in lab 8. We used those tools to get rid of the damage on the girls faces, hair, arms and etc.
The software that was used to complete this project was Adobe Photoshop CS6. This is relevant to web design because some photos that you will use will sometimes have damage on it and you will need to make it look brand new to be able to use it online or on websites. I see myself using these skills in the future for websites and to make photos look as if the have never received damage ever before. This is what project 3 was about and what needed to be done in it.
In this project what we did was we were given a photograph of two twin girls that was horribly water damaged what we had to do was fix this photo to try to make it seem as if it never had water damage before. The objective of the lab was to improve our skills in fixing and renewing photographs that have received damage. I completed this lab by using certain tools to remove the water damage we used tools such as the patch tool, clone stamp tool, and other tool we used in lab 8. We used those tools to get rid of the damage on the girls faces, hair, arms and etc.
The software that was used to complete this project was Adobe Photoshop CS6. This is relevant to web design because some photos that you will use will sometimes have damage on it and you will need to make it look brand new to be able to use it online or on websites. I see myself using these skills in the future for websites and to make photos look as if the have never received damage ever before. This is what project 3 was about and what needed to be done in it.
Lab 8 Reflection Journal
Brian Velazquez Lab #8 Editing Tools 12/16/16
In this lab what we did was use different editing tools on different images to remove or change certain things in the images such as removing graffiti or removing wrinkles from someones face. The objective to this lab was to teach us how to use these tools to remove and fix images and improve on them. I completed this lab by using different editing tools such as the patch tool, clone stamp tool and others as well to remove certain things from the images such sprinklers from one graffiti from another, also we used tools to change certain things from a image such as darkening half a image a lighting the other half this is how we completed the lab. \
The software I used to complete this lab was Adobe Photoshop CS6. This is relevant to web design because one time in the future we may need to fix an image or remove something from an image to add it to the internet of a website and more. I see myself using these skills in the future to fix images and remove certain things from it depending on the circumstances.
In this lab what we did was use different editing tools on different images to remove or change certain things in the images such as removing graffiti or removing wrinkles from someones face. The objective to this lab was to teach us how to use these tools to remove and fix images and improve on them. I completed this lab by using different editing tools such as the patch tool, clone stamp tool and others as well to remove certain things from the images such sprinklers from one graffiti from another, also we used tools to change certain things from a image such as darkening half a image a lighting the other half this is how we completed the lab. \
The software I used to complete this lab was Adobe Photoshop CS6. This is relevant to web design because one time in the future we may need to fix an image or remove something from an image to add it to the internet of a website and more. I see myself using these skills in the future to fix images and remove certain things from it depending on the circumstances.
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