Tuesday, May 23, 2017

WBL Workshop

Brian Velazquez                                                                                                                              5/4/17

 In today's workshop I learned how to become a MILLIONAIRE!!! by learning how to spend my money, save it and invest it too. The first thing we talked about is what financial literacy is, financial literacy is the ability to understand how money works, how to manage it, how to earn it, and how to invest it (to put your money to work for you). The first thing to do is to budget your time such as opening yourself up to learning opportunities even if they aren't fun. Because the more opportunities you expose yourself to the greater your chances of success. After talking about budgeting your time and investing money we then moved on to talk about assets and liabilities.

  Assets are things that appreciate in value over time. Liabilities are thing that depreciate (become worthless) over time. Some examples of Assets can be Your Mind, Your Reputation, Your Physical and Mental Skills, and Your Ability to Adapt to Change. Examples of Liabilities can be Lack of Time Management, Your Friends, Lack of Education, Lack of Interest in Personal Growth, and finally DEBT! These are most of the topics we went over in the WBL workshop with the time we had. And this is what I learned from it so it can help me in the future when I am all grown up but it's not too early to start now at this age.

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