Sunday, April 30, 2017

Identity Poster Reflection Journal

Brian Velazquez                                                                                                                       4/21/17

In this project we were told to create a poster about the word identity and what it means. The objective of this project was to teach us how to create a poster based on one word and what does it mean to you and everyone. I completed this project by first thinking of an idea on what identity is. Identity is what defines it's what makes you, you and what you like to do and things you like. So when creating my poster I started thinking about how many people are different from each other so I defined their differences using colors red and blue and for one of the people I used purple.

  The reason I used purple was because that's what red and blue make when they are mixed together.So the purple filled person wouldn't know who he was because he was neither red or blue he was something new. Photoshop made it possible to complete my identity poster. This is relevant to web design because I may design poster in the future and I may need to find the meaning of something wile doing it. I see myself using these skills in the future in my labs and projects that are coming up.

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