Wednesday, June 7, 2017

NewsLetter Project

Brian Velazquez                                                                                                                            5/19/17
    In this project it was a group effort, the group I was in consists of Nathan V, MD B, Kevin M, and me. The roles given to us in the group was Nathan was the chief editor, MD was the reporter, Kevin was the Photographer, and I was the manager of the group. The first thing we did was give each other the sections we need to do. The section I needed to do was the coupon section and entertainment section. The games I made for the entertainment section was " Guess the President" and a game of Sudoku. For the coupons I created it myself from scratch using things I owned.
      The software I used to complete the project was Photoshop, and Indesign. This is relevant to Web design because in the future we may need to design something similar to the Newspaper we did. I see myself using these skills in the future on next year labs and projects.

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