Thursday, September 22, 2016

Vocabulary Definitions

JPEG ( Joint Photographic Experts Group) - A format for compressing image files. You would use JPEG to have less storage space usage, also when saving an image JPEG has the ability to reduce the files size up to 15% without losing the quality of the photo the smaller the file size the quicker the upload to a webpage.

PNG ( Portable Network Graphics) - Is a file format for image compression. PNG would be best used for logos which involve transparency and fading. Also for complex images like photographs if file size is not an issue.

GIF ( Graphics Interchange Format) - A lossless format for image files that supports both animated and static images. GIF would be best used for animations, Simple Images, and web graphics with few color.

RAW - A camera Raw image file contains minimally processed data from the image sensor or either a digital camera, image scanner, or motion picture film scanner. Raw files are named so because they rare not yet processed therefore are not ready to be printed or edited  with a bitmap graphics editor. RAW will be used to get the best quality because when shooting raw you get all the data from the sensors. Raw can also record greater levels of brightness even more than JPEG.

TIFF ( Tag  Image File Format ) - One of the most common graphic image format. Tiff files are mostly used in desktop publishing, faxing, 3D applications, and medical imaging application. The TIFF files can handle color depth range from 1-bit to 24-bit. This what the Tiff format can be used for.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Windows Vs. Mac


September, 15, 2016

       There are many differences between the two brands Windows and Mac. Today in class we decided to talk about the differences between the two brands. Some of those differences include both of the brands have use different keys for shortcuts for example windows uses the control key and Mac uses the command key. Both brands have different UI (User Interface) and different designs. Also windows can be better to handle pc gamers more than mac.These are differences we discussed during class that windows and mac have.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Who am I? Why am I here?

September, 14, 2016

       My name is Brian Velazquez, I am a 14 year old. I come from two different countries the first country I come from is Mexico the second country I am from is Dominican Republic. My parents are divorced and my mom is married to my Step-Dad. I like to play basketball and I like to do much other stuff to for example I like to play games spend time with family and more.

Why am I here? Is a good question I'm here to learn more about technology and web design. I love to use technology because it is a big part of today. It's everywhere we go at schools, home, etc.. I want to learn more about how to use technology to create things in the internet or make something that is my own.

I'm thankful very much to be here and grateful for the teacher. I feel very privileged to be here in this class to learn something some kids don't get the chance to learn. I'm ready to do my best and give Web design all my effort and commitment.